Ali Malik: Bones To Beast

Name: Ali Malik

How and why you got started: While at the beach, a friend of mine told me that I could never get bigger. I took this as a challenge and worked my way up since then.
What motivated you to keep going: The first year was the hardest, but my mind would never let me stop. It always went against my own will and dragged me to the gym 5 days a week.
How you achieved your goals: I am to achieve my ultimate goal but I'm quite happy and satisfied with the results I've had so far. I still have a long way to go.

Your plans for the future: To keep myself motivated and to be able to help others who suffer in the early stages of bodybuilding and fitness. 

How it has affected your life: I tend to be more energetic and positive at all times. It also gave me a boost in confidence and taught me to be patient and work hard to achieve whatever I want in life. A healthier lifestyle and sick sorts of gains. Hell yeah!!!!!


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