Submit Your Story

"The fight is with your body, but the mind is your battleground. And the heart, the heart is your weapon."

I know how difficult the road to success can be. The patience, dedication and hard work that goes into it. The amount of self control and discipline that you need to implement in your life. Moreover, it's when you don't see results and want to give up, but you keep on pushing because that's how bad you want it. Champions keep on going when they've got nothing left to give. That's what separates you from the rest.

And your struggle deserves to be heard. Because there may be someone out there that isn't going to begin their journey until they hear about your story. There may be someone out there ready to give up until they read about how YOU overcame all the obstacles and barriers.

If you've made a change in your life, whether you've lost weight, gained muscle, turned your eating habits around and found health, write to us with the details of your journey and we'll be happy to put it out there.

All you have to do is send in the following information to me at and I'll get back to you shortly:

  1. Name 
  2. Before Age:
  3. Before Weight:
  4. After Age:
  5. After Weight:
  6.  How and why you got started:
  7. What motivated you to keep going:
  8. How you achieved your goals:
  9. Your plans for the future:
  10. How it has affected your life:


Beyond Pride.

Beyond Pride.



