The Health Nazi is an initiative that was started with the
sole purpose of helping people better their bodies, and eventually their lives.
Health and fitness goes beyond vanity and aesthetics; It calls for moderation
and a fine balance of mental and physical well being.
I'm not a personal trainer, athlete, nutritionist or
bodybuilder. I'm a regular guy, just like you. I struggled with obesity as a
teenager and I've had my fair share of failed attempts at getting fit. Fitness
isn't the most important aspect of one's life, but it's a great stepping stone
towards a better you.
Bodybuilding has given me the gift of patience. It
introduced me to the concept of setting realistic goals and the importance of
steadily working towards them. Moreover, it pushed me beyond my limits and made
me realize what it takes to actually achieve my dreams.
I speak from experience when I say that these habits will
begin to spread into all other aspects of your life. Whether you're at school,
at work or at the gym, you want to constantly improve yourself and your
performance. You know what it takes, and you're ready to put in the blood,
sweat and tears that it requires because that's the kind of person you become.
To me, this is what living a healthy life is all about. Not
only are you excelling at life, but you also happen to look good doing it. You
walk and talk with confidence, you're proud but never satisfied, and best of
all, you're a source of inspiration for everyone around you.
The Health Nazi is dedicated to helping you achieve your own
body transformation by providing you with simple and straight forward information
needed to begin your journey. I'm not trying to sell you anything except the
concept of living a healthy life, without having to compromise on the little
things that you love.
My name is Hamza Farooq, and I believe in fitness. Are you
with me?